The Hottest Year on Record

data sonification on vinyl record

Data from the Global Mean Temperature Anomalies* (departure from the 1880 – 2006 base period average) are used to manipulate loop-based samples from George Harrison’s “Here Comes the Sun.” Each sound loop is a time sample representing one year. The speed at which the loop is played is relative to the Global Mean Temperature Anomalies for the year the loop represents.


This work was completed in partial fulfillment of a masters degree in Electronic Media at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. You can find the thesis here.


2009 Vision Shift! Art in the Age of Climate Change, Santa Fe Place, Santa Fe, NM


2008 Feet To The Fire Festival, Veteran’s Park, Middletown, CT


2008 SMart Festival, Open Concept Gallery, Grand Rapids, MI


2008 Spark Festival of Electronic Music and Arts University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN


2007 Climate Control, West Hall Gallery, Rensselaer Polytechnic, Troy, NY